From respect for Islam to the destruction of Japanese temples: a new dispute broke out on the network around Assassin ' S Creed: Shadows
Start> Around Assassin ' S Creed Shadows flare up another small scandal. This time it all started with a video on YouTube, where a player for Yasuka arranged a pogrom in a Japanese church. Schoheikondo user stumbled upon this video and shared a passage that scored more than 21 million views in a day.
Start> In the comments, a violent discussion unfolded - some considered the actions of the player offensive, others accused the Japanese themselves of excessive sensitivity.
Start> Ubisoft was especially acutely criticized for making such a “ruin” of temples in general. Many remembered how in Assassin ' S Creed: Mirage the developers showed respect for Islam, allowing you to disconnect the music while calling for prayer in Baghdad.