Horror The Evil Within 3 may be released in October 2024

Horror The Evil Within 3 may be released in October 2024

One of Bethesda and Tango Gameworks' most notable recent horror series, The Evil Within, could see a sequel next year. As the editor of the publication WhatIfGaming notes, everything is going to the fact that the announcement of The Evil Within 3 may soon take place, and the release of the game will not be long in coming, because the developers have almost everything ready.

The Evil is officially developed Within 3 has not yet been confirmed, but the increased rumors about the creation of the game even forced Bethesda to comment on the situation. Judging by the amount of time Tango Gameworks spends on game development, and considering the fact that the game could have been developed in parallel with GhostWire: Tokyo, a new part of The Evil Within could be released next year. As the journalist suggests, the release in October 2024 seems most likely to him.

Against the background of the increased popularity of horror, the release of The Evil Within 3 in 2024 seems like a fairly reasonable decision on the part of Bethesda and Tango Gameworks. Their latest joint project GhostWire: Tokyo has shown great results, but fans of The Evil Within are still waiting for the continuation of the adventures of Sebastian Castellanos.

Author: Katrina Khshanovich


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