"Star Wars: Acolyte" lowest rating on IMDB among all films and TV series in the franchise

Start> Yesterday it became known that the series "Star Wars: Acolyte" received some of the worst audience scores on Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes of any series this year. However, it turned out that this is not the whole list of “achievements” that the series can boast of.

Start> Currently, the series has 4.7/10 from viewers on the popular foreign film portal IMDB - this has become an anti-record among all films and TV series based on the Star Wars franchise throughout its long history. Despite the fact that only two episodes of the series have been released so far, it is highly unlikely that the situation for "Acolyte" will be resolved. will improve with the release of the full season.

Start> As is the case with Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes, viewers criticize the series for literally all its aspects and for its very existence in principle. It has even gotten to the point that a number of viewers are asking Disney to close or sell the franchise, just to no longer receive new films and TV series from the House of Mouse.

Start> Apparently, the names of the creators of the series will be remembered for a long time by Star Wars fans, but probably not the way they would like.

Author: Katrina Khshanovich


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