In Darksiders II, you play as Death itself. The story unfolds simultaneously with the events of the first part of the game: a rider on a horse, pale, rushes to the rescue of his brother War, who is accused of starting the Apocalypse ahead of time. As in the first part, the problems in Darksiders II will have to be solved mainly by the method of violent fights. The action takes place in an otherworldly setting, the list of which has been replenished with several picturesque points, including the "White City", inhabited by angels and a flying citadel in which the Lords of the Dead guard the souls condemned to purification. Although Death – Arguably the most sinister of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, he is outmatched in power by War, preferring a more fast-paced fighting style that combines swordsmanship and marksmanship. The main weapon of Death – of course, the gigantic dimensions of the scythe, but as you progress, a number of no less deadly pieces will appear in its arsenal. A blade in each hand, upgradable armor and a trusty pale horse – these are the main arguments of Death on the battlefield.
Become Death itself: Transform into the most sinister of the horsemen of the Apocalypse, the destroyer of worlds and one of the strongest warriors in the battle between heaven and hell.
Epic Universe: Joe Mad's Unique Style – you have never seen such an Underworld!
Between Heaven and Hell: Explore the underworld in every detail!
Non-linearity and customization: Develop your hero the way you want – Lots of armor, weapons, and upgradeable skills to help you create the Death of your dreams!
Replay Value: Explore a huge open world, complete side missions, and develop Death's combat skills to your liking.
At all speeds: Death – a fast and agile warrior whose superhuman skills will make exploring the game world unique.