The main character — Takkar
He is the only surviving hunter in the world of Oros. Or not? At first it will seem that the only one. However, there are other people ahead who also have useful skills and are even able to teach Takkar something new. In addition to them, you will also have to meet with savages, whose method of hunting is extremely simple: rush ahead with a spear! And rush, by the way, not only to animals, but also to civilized (for that time) people. In general, there are plenty of problems in Oros, especially considering the mentioned mammoths and saber-toothed tigers, which perceive a person as an elementary prey.
Takkar will have to protect himself and other members of his family from wild beasts and wild tribes. In the world of Oros, human civilization is just beginning to develop, therefore, in order to survive, it is necessary to make tools of labor and war from what will be found, that is, mainly from animal bones; spread the fire; hunt to get food for himself and his wards. In general, Takkar does not pursue a primitive goal — survive, and the global — conquer all of Oros! It is clear that huge efforts will be required to achieve it. By the way, it is always worth remembering that a freshly killed victim will most likely attract predators. So be on the lookout!